Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What we have been up to lately

We are currently going to one bus stop at Speedway and Alvernon for about an hour and talking with those there. There are a couple people we have seen consistently and built a relationship with and then a lot of others we have only seen once. It has been really good for us to become more bold in sharing our faith and getting used talking about the Gospel. For me, it has also been a growing experience to be rejected or have my beliefs ripped up. Talking with people from EVERY background, makes me have to defend my faith to all sorts of affronts. It is amazing to me how many types of background and religions and beliefs you can come across in one hour.

I know God is using it in my life to not be ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to have a heart for the lost in my city. Knowing that the power of God in salvation comes from Him and not me, yet I am called to share the gospel and it is through the hearing of the gospel that people are saved.

My desire is to spend time humbly, yet with boldness and gentleness share the gospel of Jesus Christ with people who may have never heard, maybe have heard many times or completely reject it. My life is a vapor on this earth and the salvation of souls for the Glory of Christ should be a priority.

Second Visit with the refugee girls!

A couple weeks ago(Oct. 23rd), Amber and I went back to visit the refugee girls. It went really well. We spent about 3 hours there and both girls were there this time. Praise God! On the way I bought a white board thinking it might be easier to explain some thing esp. with the language barrier using drawings. The Holy Spirit really lead us and gave us wisdom. We had several other family members that we coming in and listening too, which was neat.

We talked to them about creation again and then we discussed sin (and it's origin with satan in the garden etc...) and then we spent a long time talking about how people had to make animal sacrifices for their sins. I hadn't really planned to talk about this, but it seemed appropriate. I also mentioned that people were telling of one to come that would save the people from sin. Then we talked about the virgin birth of Jesus and his perfect life here on earth. I read from the Bible that when John saw Jesus he explained, "Look the Lamb of God who takes away sin" and the 14 year old's eyes lit up and she said, "Jesus was the lamb!" All those listening seemed to make the connection of the lambs being the sacrifice and now Jesus being the lamb, but she really seemed to grasp it. We explained that crucifixion was a criminal's death, and how horrible it was, and then they didn't understand why Jesus died on a cross if he was absolutely perfect. We had made it very clear that he lived a perfect, sinless life, so his death didn't make sense to them. I explained the human reason for Christ's death (that he was claiming to be God and the people didn't believe Him), and God's purpose and plan for His death (to make the payment for sin and die in our place). Of course we had talked to them about what the payment for sin is, death and how we all deserve death and hell for our sins. We told them about his resurrection and ascension and the Holy Spirit. We had to talk for a while about the trinity.

Something that really hit both of us is how crazy all this really sounds. When you grow up hearing it and being in church your whole life, it doesn't sound weird or hard to believe at all. But sitting there that night after talking about the talking snake, a young lady becoming pregnant by the spirit of God, God becoming a man and living on this earth, dying and rising from the dead, and then the Holy Spirit indwelling people...I started to wonder if I believed myself, it was all starting to sound pretty loony! Amber and I both reflected on how it does take the power of God and the His regeneration for someone to believe this stuff. Wow! I was thinking, "If they believe this, then it is really God working in their hearts".

The younger girl (14) really seemed eager and said she wanted to be saved. She asked us several times what she needed to do. We explained repentance and faith and she said she believed. However, we weren't sure since they are impressionable young girls how sincere it was and didn't want to give her any false sense of security. And when a young man came in and was dialoging with us, she seemed hesitant to pray. So we prayed with them and are praying that the Holy Spirit will do the work in their hearts. God must brake their hearts over their sin and help them see who He is and their need for the Savior.

It is hard to put into a blog or even words all that went on that night or all the discussions we had. It really makes you think though, we have to explain everything in child-like terms and words they can understand (their English isn't great). It takes us hours to talk with them. Everything we explain we are very thorough and have them repeat back to us and try to make sure they are grasping.

We are going back to their apartment this Saturday (Nov. 7th) and desire to continue sharing with them and pray that the Holy Spirit will work in their hearts.

Our God Saves Sinners-Glory to His name now and forever. Glory to the Lamb who was slain, He is worthy of all honor and praise. I desire to see more souls saved, not for their sake alone, but that the Lamb would receive His due reward.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Another Opportunity to Witness to the Refugee

Praise God, Purnima finally wrote us! She wants us to come back and teach her more from the Bible! She is the one we shared with before (Sept. 5th 09). Amber and I layed out the gospel very clearly with her when we went. Our desire is to bring her to the point of realization that she has sinned before a Holy God. We are excited that she wants us to come back. We were pretty blunt with her before. Please pray that we can go visit her again and bring to light the knowledge of God to her.

"Creepy energy"

Since I didn't blog for about 5 months of riding the bus and sharing the gospel, I am still thinking of stories. So this one time, a few months ago, we are riding the bus and this large African American lady sits down next to me. I am praying in my heart about sharing with her and trying to get up the nerve. Finally I strike up a "conversation". I ask her if she goes to school (because she has a backpack) and she curtly responds, "no, why?" and I tell her because I noticed she had a backpack. I then proceed to ask her if she has had a good day. And she again rudely reponds "of course, what other option is there" or something like that. By now I am getting the clue that this lady doesn't want to talk to me. Finally I just outright ask her if she has ever heard the gospel. At this she gets really upset, she glares at me and says, "Why do you care???" I said that I want everyone to hear it. Then she tells me to keep my religion to myself and that I have creepy energy. I am a little shocked and scared, but ask, "What do you mean by 'creepy energy'?" She tells me that I know what it means. And I politely tell her that in fact I do not know what she means about my energy being creepy. She says, "Do you know what energy is?" I said, "Not in the context you are using it", and she says, "Do you know what creepy means?" and I said "yes, but I don't understand what you mean?" and She said "I could feel your creepy energy as soon as I got on the bus!". Yikes!! At this point, she told me to never mind if I didn't knonw what she meant.

I was a little shaken up and unsure what to say. It was a weird experience. Oddly enough, a man on the bus started talking to Amber and I right after that and saying that we have beautiful hearts and we were doing the right thing by sharing with people. It was kinda strange, but cool. I can't remember everything he said to us, but it was encouraging.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sharing the Gospel with the refugee

God opened up an amazing door for Amber and I with a couple of young refugee girls. We talked to them at a bus stop and sat with them on the bus ride a few months ago. We gave them each a Bible and some other materials. We exchanged emails with them and corresponded with the eldest (16) for a while through email. She asked us in her emails to come see her and teach her the Bible. We finally went to see her Sat., Sept. 5th, not sure if she would be home. We met at Sbucks and prayed and I brought some children's materials to help us share the gospel. Her English is not too great considering she moved here in May, but amazing at the same time. We found the apartment complex and parked. Trying to be discrete, (yeah right), Amber's car alarm decided to go off and she couldn't figure out how to turn it off for several minutes...so we made quite the entrance. After going to the wrong apartment (and being invited in), her brother helped us find their apartment. And he was home! Praise God! We were able to walk her through the gospel of Jesus Christ beginning with creation, she even had a Bible in Napli which she was able to read the first chapter of Genesis in out loud. We talked about who God is, creation and sin. We talked to her about our fallen nature and the fact that we deserve punishment in hell. We discussed Romans 3:23 and 6:23. Amber talked to her about Jesus, Who He is, what He did and the cross. We spent 2.5 hours with her and it went by so quickly. She told us she wanted to learn how to pray. Amber and I each prayed out loud with her and then she prayed a short prayer as well. It was an amazing time that we pray the Lord used to begin to open her eyes and take off the blinders on her heart.

I feel so blessed and unworthy to have had this opportunity to be used to spread the gospel. I pray that God will draw her to himself and use her to save more refugees. Amber and I are praying that we will be asked to come back and share more with her, at this point she has not emailed us. I have emailed her twice. We know the message of the gospel is offensive and it is veild to those who are perishing, but I pray God will draw her.

We did not lead her through a "sinner's prayer", we know the gospel is the power that saves a person.

Please Pray that we can go speak with her again
Please pray that God will save her by His mighty power
Pray that God will move among the refugees in Tucson by saving those in the communities

May the Lamb that was slain receive His due reward! It is all for the Glory of Christ and God the Father and not for the sake of any man that we pray for the salvation of helpless souls!

Thursday, September 10, 2009


We continue to pray for Ted. We met him a few weeks ago sitting in front of McDonald's reading the paper and sipping coffee. We pleaded with him to believe, but he would rather be apathetic and just see what happens when he dies. We have talked to him a few more times, he is smiley and makes jokes, but doesn't really want to worry about the afterlife. He figures he'll worry about that then.

"I am a good person, God will let me in"

So everyone thinks Amber and I are in High School, or maybe college if we are lucky. It is funny. We saw Connie (age 17) again this morning. She is pregnant, due this December, living in a group home and was sleeping with a man to get drugs from him, and her mom is pregnant by the same man. We have shared the gospel with her and talked to her about the Lord. She is very agreeable and says she believes. We continue to see her every Thursday and talk about the arrival of her baby, school and her goals and plans for the future.

We talked to a guy named Dan who was on his way to the airport to go see U2 in concert in Chicago. He politely listened to us share about sin, hell, the forgiveness through Christ. He just smiled and basically didn't care. He figured he was a good enough person that God would let him off the hook for any wrong he committed. I kept telling him that no one is "good enough" to go to heaven. He acted as if it didn't phase him.

Vanessa (17) also thinks that she is a pretty good person, I mean better then a lot of people. I focused on the sin in our hearts, that even hating your brother is considered like murder to God. I shared with her that believing in Christ as the sacrifice for her sin is the only way to heaven. We were able to give her a Bible.

5 Months later!

So it has been five months that Amber and I have been going to bus stops and (used to) ride the bus too. It has been a very eye-opening and revealing time for me.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Missing the Bus

Morning- April 14th Pray for Gabriel and Ted

Amber and I took the bus to work for the first time this morning. We met at her house near Roger and 1st and went to the wrong bus stop at 6:57a.m. Once we figured out where we actually needed to be, we moved over the other bus stop. So far the two ladies who we had waited with were not really interested in conversation. Once on the correct bus we found that people were listening to ipods, reading, or simply not wanting to talk. Once we got to Campbell and Speedway we once again walked over to the wrong bus stop. Once being directed to the correct bus stop we walked across the street and finally met some more talkative folks.

A middle-aged man who was a little too friendly was astounded that we were not in High School as he thought we were teenagers. After some small, kind of awkward talk with him, he hopped on his bus. There was another man sitting next to us though. And now it was just the three of us. This man, named Gabriel began opening up to Amber and I. He shared much of his story. He shared about his past of substance abuse and how he lost his family because of it. He showed us the pictures of his three children. Twin boys who are 8 and his 6 year old daughter who he said is "his princess". As he continued to talk and share, Amber and I also shared where we work and other small things. He said that Amber and I must love what we do because we seem so happy and that he could see it in our faces. Amber said, "Well, I think that is God". This lead into more conversation. He began saying that God had helped him be free from his addictions a year ago when he went through rehab. He said it was God's grace. Amber asked him if he knew God and if Jesus was his savior. He said, "yes". We continued listening and hearing his heart for some time. His bus pulled up and he didn't really move. He said, "oh, I'll just catch the next one". Before long, Amber asked Gabriel if he had a Bible. He said, "well, I have a little pocket Bible, but I think it is just a New Testament". I opened my backpack and began pulling out one of our Bibles, he said, "Do you have an extra one?!" with excitement in his voice. When we put it in his hands, his face lit up. He looked like a child on Christmas morning. He was so thankful and grateful. He kept running his hands over it and looking it over. Soon after our bus came and we shook his hand and said, "God bless you". He said he hoped to see us again. As we pulled away we could see him beginning to read it. We know God's Word is powerful and effective! Praise the Lord for our first day. He is Sovereign!

Well the way home had a theme of missing the bus as well. We ended up sitting at a stop at Fort Lowell and Alvernon for over thirty minutes. We talked with a man named Ted. He goes to a church called Metropolitan Community Church and believes himself to be saved. He told us that he is bi-sexual, has been married two times and divorced two times. Amber and I were able to share out faith in Jesus and His salvation from sin. He was pretty open about things. Amber and I just talked about different things with him. On the bus ride home, I got the chance to visit with a lady for a little while, just small talk. There was a man and woman on the last bus that made me very sad. Her face was bruised and she looked so sad. I believe that the man she was with was probably the culprit.

Some Thoughts: Getting out of my bubble

This was my first time riding the city bus in Tucson, and I am glad that I did. I learned patience and how to rely on God's sovereignty through it. I got out of my comfort zone and my Christian world and saw all kinds of people. Old, young, sad, lonely, distracted, every time I scanned the bus I wondered about people's stories. When my eyes would meet another's, I would smile. I felt curious about people's lives, their stories, what was going on in their life, what they had experienced. God has people He will save in Tucson, I feel privileged if I get to be a part of that, to truly be the hands, feet or voice of Christ. Most of all, I rejoiced that I could lift up Christ's name today, to speak of what He has done in my heart.